Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Project Kick Off Meeting

Project Kick Off Meeting is a structured discussion/meeting of the Stakeholders conducted at the initiation of the project.

The primary purpose of Project Kick Off Meeting is to bring all the stakeholders on to a common understanding of project objectives, procedures and plans, and to begin the team-building process to achieve the desired objectives.

A kick-off meeting is typically a workshop which generally include several discussions on project charter, business plan review, team building exercises, a team charter, risk analysis etc.

A typical project planning kick-off meeting agenda covers the following aspects of a project:

1.Build a project framework: what are the project objectives ? who are the stakeholder ? What are the criteria for successful completion ? What are the business objectives ? Update the business plan or business case

2.Organize the Project governance: Who does what? What are the responsibilities of each member? what are the reporting procedures?
Build or revise the master planning (key milestones, sequence of activities, dependencies...)

3.Initiate the risk analysis

4.Team building activities

5.Define the quality management plan, and in particular the change control procedures

Project Initiation - Project Charter

A Project sponsor will prepare a Project Charter.

The Project Charter contains the terms of reference of the project. A project charter identifies high level roles and responsibilities of various participants, outlines the objective of the project.

Most importantly, a Project Charter defines the authority of the Project Manager.

Project Charter serves as an authorization for the project and is the reference of the authority for the progress of the project

Once the project charter is released, the Project Manager calls for a project kick off meeting which involves the discussion of all stake holders.

Definitions of Project

What is a Project?

Can we call all the activity that we do in the name of project as a project??

As per the standard definition, a Project is a temporary endeavor undertaken to create a unique product, service or result.

So, a project is time bound
It has well defined outcome - product, service, result